Jt searfoss

JT (he/they) is a 15-year-old, non-binary model hailing from the vibrant town of Muncie, Indiana. He began his journey into the world of modeling with an unshakable passion for clothing and fabric. The allure of fashion and the power of self-expression that it embodies led him to embark on this exciting path.

JT immerses himself in the art of clothing, focusing intently on the fabrics that form the very essence of fashion. His deep connection with time, which has been a lifelong fascination, led JT to the profound realization that “time and clothing go as if hand and wrist.” This perspective infuses his unique approach to fashion.


“My mission is to challenge gender norms, amplify voices, and redefine fashion with inclusivity and representation. I aspire to lead in haute couture, particularly in Japan, as a global symbol of change and individuality.”

a bright future ahead.

JT’s personal style is a constantly evolving canvas, a testament to his non-conforming spirit. He employs metaphor and symbolism as brushes to craft a fashion statement that is both distinctive and profound.

Despite his relatively short time as a model, JT’s mission is nothing short of inspirational. He aspires to utilize fashion as a powerful platform for challenging and dismantling gender norms and stereotypes, all while being a proud representative of the non-binary community on the runway.

Looking ahead, JT dreams of becoming a haute couture model, with Japan being a particularly enchanting destination. For now, his focus is on gaining exposure and invaluable experience as a runway and editorial model. JT’s journey is just beginning, and he is poised to make a significant impact in the world of fashion.